Current Courses
BOT 405/505: Grasses and Grasslike Plants (3 cr). SDState Fall. Instructor.
RANG 210: Range Plant Identification (2 cr). SDState Fall. Instructor.
BOT 301: Plant Systematics (3 cr). SDState Spring. Instructor.
Previous Courses
BIO 102: Biology and Society (3 cr, non-majors). UI Spring 2016. Instructor.
BIO 102L: Biology and Society (1 cr, non-majors). UI Spring 2016. Instructor.
BIO 407: Practicum in Biology Lab Teaching (3 cr). UI Spring 2016. Instructor.
BIO 460/560: Advanced Field Botany (3 cr). UI Summers. Co-Instructor.
BOT 2010: Introductory Botany (3 cr, non-majors). UF Fall 2013. Instructor.
BOT 2011: Plant Diversity (4 cr). UF Spring 2013. Lab Instructor.
BOT 3151C: Local Flora of Northern Florida (3 cr). UF Fall 2012. Teaching Asst.
EEB 431: Parasite Behavior and Ecology (5 cr). UM Summer 2004. Teaching Asst.